Para todos los amigos del mundo/To every friend of the world!!!
Buenassss!!! Noches!!! Desde ahora todos los Miercoles musicales los traslado a ésta nueva libreta nuestra (mía y de ustedes!).
Y empiezo con una song que dedico a todos ustedes que han estado preguntado por mí cuando yo estaba en Kirby's Dream Land, porque todos ustedes son mis amigos, pero muy especialmente se la dedico a mi mejor amigo Gusthav que estuvo haciendo de mensajero mientras estuve en Kirby's Dream Land. Molto Grazzie Gusthavito por estar siempre al pendiente de mí. Gracias amigo, compañero, casi hermano.
Den click aquí: Un amigo es
Saludotes, abrazotes y besotes
Sweet Dreams, de todo Corazón:
Good Night!!! How R U there? From now, I'll move every musical Wednesday here to this new blog of ours (mine and yours).
And today, I'll start with a friendly song that I dedicate to you all who asked for me when I was in Kirby's Dream Land, 'cause you all are my best, but very specially to my sweet beloved best friend Gusthav 'cause he was acting as a messenger between me and you all when I was in Kirby's Dream Land. Thank you so much for taking care of me when I was very sad. Thank you so much my friend, my mate, my pal, my almost-a-brother.
But this song is in Spanish, maybe you won't usderstand it, but this song talks about the friendship, the brotherly love. And it tell us that a friend is the one who will stay with you in your whole life, a God messenger, the one who will cheer you up, who will give you congratulations when you're right, but will tell you your mistakes when you're wrong. The one who will take care of you when you are sick. And he/she will be sure you will do the same with him/her.
Anyways, if you wanna hear it, click here: A friend is
Big greetings, big hugs and big kisses.
Sweet Dreams, fro the bottom of my Heart: